Iphone Cases

Be part of this cause and get your case made of recycled materials now.

Every year 12 million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans.

1 Million

of plastic bottles are sold every minute around the world.

500 Billion

of disposable plastic bags are used globally each year.


of marine litter comes from land and most of it reaches the oceans through rivers.

450 years

is how long a plastic bottle can remain in our oceans.

100 thousand

marine mammals die every year because of plastic debris.

1 Million

of seabird deaths are caused by plastic debris each year.

Be a part of this iniciative, breathing new life into plastic collected from the oceans, turning it into cases for your iPhone. Contributing to the continued cleaning of the oceans and fighting the waste of raw materials through recycling.

Be a part of this iniciative, breathing new life into plastic collected from the oceans, turning it into cases for your iPhone. Contributing to the continued cleaning of the oceans and fighting the waste of raw materials through recycling.

iPhone 13 cases

Covers made from recycled plastic, produced in Europe.

iPhone 13 cases

Covers made from recycled plastic, produced in Europe.


iphone cases